Ever hear the old saying..."sick and tired of being sick and tired". How many can relate? Life tends to bring you down and make you feel sick and tired. Sick and tired of the same ole-same ole, sick and tired of being broke, sick and tired of being depressed, sick and tired of conflict, sick and tired of discouragement, you name it, the list goes on and on and on. This current life and world is full of sickness, conflict, woe, death and destruction, BUT there is a HOPE of a better one and comfort in this one. That is the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL.
It's not a gimmick or another get rich quick scheme or even a make everything perfect right now deal. It will GUARANTEE however a beautiful future and help for the present. Let's dive in together to look at some of God's promises. In Isaiah 41:10 He says:
Isaiah 26:3 says:
Deuteronomy 31:8 states: The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
These are just 3 of hundreds of promises that are for those that belong to the one true living GOD.
Join me weekly as we dive into a study of the Bible and apply it to our lives.